A Year Without a Summer

We love to romanticize the Regency, but they had their share of struggles during this time as well. 1816 was called “the year without a summer,” when a volcanic eruption in Indonesia caused dust to block out the sun around the world. This led to colder weather and caused many harvests to fail.

Regency Mattresses

How many mattresses do you have on your bed? If you had lived during the Regency, you might answer 3 or more! Because mattresses were so thin, it was common to pile them up to achieve more comfort.


During the Regency, Skittles was not the name of a fruity candy, but a popular lawn bowling game. Read here to learn the rules. Would you play this at one of your summer get togethers?

Regency Swimwear

Enjoying a nice swim on a summer day looked much different during the Regency, especially for women. Instead of bathing suits, they wore swim dresses for the occasion!

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