

5 Ways to celebrate Romance Awareness Month, including 5 romantic reads

Did you know August is Romance Awareness Month? I love the idea of “raising awareness” about romance. I don’t think people intentionally become lackadaisical about romance, but life gets busy. Between work, family and other obligations, it’s easy for romance to get bumped to the bottom of the list.

Everyone needs a little romance in their lives. Your marital status doesn’t matter. Whether you are single, married or it’s complicated, you can celebrate Romance Awareness Month.

If you aren’t sure what I mean by romance, let’s look at the definition for a moment:



Here are five ways to infuse excitement, glamour, mystery, passion, love and romance in your life. Feel free to share your own ideas by comment on this blog post or visiting on Facebook.

Flirt a little.



Buy something silky, slinky, sensuous or sexy. It could be a new pair of shoes, lounging pajamas or lingerie.



Say I Love You to everyone you love, including your furry friends.

i love you


Indulge in a decadent treat, something that will make your palate say “OMG”. Luscious chocolates, a gooey dessert, a bottle of wine or a meal at your favorite “special occasion” restaurant.



Curl up with a romance novel.

Ella Quinn
Click image to visit Ella’s website.
Callie Hutton
Click image to visit Callie Hutton’s website.
Maureen Miller
Click to visit Maureen Miller’s website.
Click to visit Jacki Delecki’s website.
Click to visit Roxanne St. Claire’s website.




Historical romance giveaway ~ win a Kindle Fire.

indexTo celebrate July 4th, I’ve teamed up with more than 50 fantastic authors to give away a huge selection of historical romance novels, PLUS a Kindle Fire to one lucky winner!
I’m giving away my book A Christmas Code.
Enter the contest by clicking here:

You can win books from: Andrea Pickens, Anne Gracie, Barbara Devlin, Brenda Hiatt, Bronwen Evans, Collette Cameron, Cynthia Wright, Deb Marlowe, Donna Fletcher, Donna MacMeans, Edith Layton, Glynnis Campbell, Joan Wolf, Joanna Shupe, Julie Johnstone, Kathryn Le Veque, Lauren Royal, Lauren Smith, Linore Burkard, Lynne Barron, Mary Jo Putney, Meara Platt, Nicola Cornick, Patricia Rice, Selena Kitt, Susana Ellis, Suzan Tisdale, Tammy Andresen, Vanessa Kelly, and more!

The Grand Prize winner receives a Kindle Fire and all participating books. Four runner-ups will receive a selection of participating books.

Contest ends July 11.

Easter and Springtime Renewal

I know some people are still getting snow and frigid temperatures, but spring has officially arrived. The signs are everywhere: The vernal equinox occurred March 19-20 (depending on time zone), marking the earliest arrival of spring since 1896, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac; Easter is March 27; and social media is full of tips on spring cleaning and cooking lighter, fresher meals.

Springtime is generally viewed as a season of renewal and rebirth. It’s an opportunity to refresh our homes, our meals, our relationships and our perspectives. Here are five fresh ways to celebrate the arrival of spring.

  1. Spend 5-10 minutes each day de-cluttering your living space. Throw out old magazines and outdated cosmetics. Donate unwanted household goods to a thrift store or charity. Check the pantry for outdated items, including spices and herbs.
  2. Get your car detailed – interior vacuumed, windows cleaned inside and out, glove-box emptied, trash and debris removed.
  3. Start a new hobby or project.
  4. Get out of the house. Connect with nature. Walk the dog. Clean out the flowerbeds. Sweep off the patio. Chat with neighbors. Set up a lounge chair and soak up the sunshine.
  5. Reconnect with friends or family.

How do you celebrate springtime? Do you have a favorite springtime ritual?

One last gift under the Christmas Tree

Gift-Stashing-2After much anticipation and preparation…the holidays are over. Already? I was just starting to enjoy myself! I don’t know about you, but there’s a bit of let down when the rolls of red-and-green wrapping paper are tucked back into the closet, the last few sugar cookies have gone stale and the Christmas tree–with its multicolored lights and glittery strands of tinsel–no longer brightens the grey of winter.

Have you ever come across one last gift? Something tucked far back under the tree that was overlooked? No matter what’s in the package, the unexpected discovery makes this last present extras special. Well, I have one last gift for my readers!

JackiDelecki_AChristmasCode_HRA Christmas Code, book 2 in my Regency romantic suspense story, is FREE for a limited time at most online retailers. (Amazon doesn’t have a free pricing option so if you read on a Kindle, contact my assistant at to request a mobi version).

Download A Christmas Code today and enjoy the holidays just a bit longer!

BN Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play

Five literary quotes to ring in the New Year

When the New Year arrives, do you tend to look back or look forward? It’s fun to reminisce when it’s been a good year, but other times, the anticipation of a fresh start and new opportunities is needed to let go of hurts and disappointments. I was looking for a great inspirational quote to inspire you and kept coming across these “literary” sayings. So, since I’m an author and you’re a reader and we both love books, I decided to share these five literary quotes to ring in 2016.


The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.  ~Brad Paisley

Life is a book. Every day is a new page. Every month is a new chapter. Every year is a new series. ~Unknown

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let the New Year be like a book with blank pages, the kind that you shall fill with the choicest selection of good deeds.  ~Unknown

Here’s to new books and new friends in the New Year!

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