

The Codebreakers: Holiday Romances Box Set is now .99 cents only!


The Codebreakers: Holiday Romances Box Set is now .99 cents only!

Get A Christmas Code, A Holiday Code for Love and A Code of Wonder bundled for this special price.
It’s on sale for a limited time so don’t miss out!

Happy Holidays!


From my family to yours, may your holiday be warm and bright!

Tis the season of gift giving...


December 6th was the feast of St. Nicholas. During the Regency Era, children in Northern Europe got their presents early. As for the adults, this heralds the beginning of Christmastide visits.

Would you have preferred that the gift giving be earlier than December 25th?

Here come the holidays!


December’s here. People are putting up decorations and getting that Christmas shopping list started (or maybe even done?), the people during the Regency Era had their own holiday traditions.

Their holiday dates start a week before Advent until 12 of January. That’s a long holiday season! There would be parties, balls, dinner parties, visits, skating and more holiday activities. And maybe even a wedding!

The season officially starts with the Sunday before the beginning of Advent or the fourth Sunday before Christmas. The family would come together to make Christmas puddings to serve during dinnertime.

How about you? Do you have any traditions that you do to signal that start of your holiday season?

Why Do Books Smell So Good?

You know that good feeling when you walk into your library? Or how you press your nose into that new paperback book that you just bought? (Admit it, no shame here!)

There’s actually a science that goes behind that good book smell. 

People do have preferences whether they like the smell of old or new books.

Old books have a sweet smell with notes of vanilla flowers and almonds, which is caused by the breakdown of chemical compounds in the paper. New books smell like they do because of the carious chemicals used when they are manufactured.

I know we buy the books because of the pretty cover and the amazing story inside but you can’t discount being a fan of the smell too!

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