Book Binge


Skip the Super Bowl and have a Book Binge Party instead

On Sunday, February 3, Americans will come together for football, food and fun in Super Bowl celebrations, large and small. From sofas and barstools across the country, fans will cheer on either the New England Patriots or the L.A. Rams.

Are you a football fan? If yes, have a great time on Sunday. If no, don’t worry. This sporting event is a fantastic opportunity to binge on books. Here are a few tips for throwing a Super Bowl Book Binge Party.

Like any special event, you need to plan ahead. Create a To Do list that covers the basics like where the party will be held, decorations, who is invited, food and drink, attire, and any special items needed for the event.

Location – I recommend selecting an area that is super comfortable and cozy. The sofa, your bed or a favorite chair are good options.

Decorations – Deck out the location with snuggly blankets, throw pillows and good lighting. A fireplace or wood-burning stove make for an extra-cozy setting. Bonus features include a four-legged friend to curl up with.

Guest List – Feel free to invite a friend…or not. It’s perfectly acceptable to plan a party for one.

Menu – For a good book binge party, skip the buffalo wings (unless you don’t mind hot sauce smudges on the pages of your book or across your ereader screen). A sub or wrap is less messy (cut into smaller pieces so you can eat with one hand). Snack mixes, pretzels, nuts, veggie sticks, kale chips, fruit slices and nuts are also good options. Don’t forget the good stuff – M&Ms, Gummy Bears (NOT the sugar-free ones!!!) or Twizzlers.

Attire – The dress code for the day is no-fuss, no-muss comfort. Pajamas, sweats, yoga pants, an over-sized sweatshirt. And don’t forget the fuzzy socks!

Special Considerations – The Super Bowl fanatics are all about big-screen TVs. For book bingers, the most important items to have on hand are books. Lots and lots of books. Make sure the titles you want to read are downloaded to a full-charged ereader or that you’ve obtained copies from your favorite local bookstore or library. Nothing ruins a book binge party like kicking things off…only to find your book bestie still has a copy of the book you most want to read.

Whether you come for the books or the balls (footballs, that is) on Sunday, have a great time!

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