Christmas and book


Give the gift of books

When you don’t know what to get someone for Christmas or if you want to create a meaningful holiday tradition, books are the perfect answer. Here are 5 ways to celebrate the holiday season with the gift of books.

  • Wrap a dozen books and count down the 12 Days of Christmas by opening one each day.
  • Give a cookbook and then give a second gift – the gift of time – by trying out one of the recipes together.
  • There are many well-written children’s books on how different cultures and countries celebrate the holidays. Buy a new book every year and read about these diverse traditions.
  • Give that busy person in your life a subscription, such as Audible, for audiobooks so they can enjoy books on the go.
  • Create an annual tradition by reading a familiar favorite, such as The Night Before Christmas, and then enjoying cookies and hot cocoa.

How do you celebrate reading, books, and Christmas?


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