Christmas in July


Celebrate Christmas in July with a 99¢ Regency Holiday Box Set

I remember how surprised I was when I learned that people in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate Christmas in summer. Because their seasons are the opposite of ours, December comes with sunshine, hot temperatures and not so much as a single snowflake.

Can you imagine?!

Christmas in July started as an activities at summer camps many years ago, and has evolved into a pop culture tradition. I can get on the bandwagon with a summertime yuletide celebration because it’s one of my favorite holidays and I’m (almost!) ready for eggnog, holly, sugar cookies, and shopping for gifts.

Here are three ways to indulge in some holiday magic without waiting for December 25th!

1. Organize a holiday movie marathon. Check the Hallmark Channel for their  lineup of showtimes.

2.  Spend an afternoon in the kitchen whipping up your favorite Christmas treats.  Another option is serving up a plate of Watermelon Christmas trees.

3. Binge on a 99¢ box set of Regency holiday romantic suspense books. Get The Code Breakers Series: Holiday Romances ~ no gift wrap needed.

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