hashtags for readers


#reader (or Hashtags for readers)

Some social media conventions come and go, but hashtags (aka #, also aka “pound sign”) have been around for more than 10 years. With the increase of activity and interaction on social media, they are more relevant than ever.

If you aren’t familiar with hashtags (#), they serve as a means of organizing and finding information on social media platforms. For example, if you enjoy reading romantic suspense, you might search #romanticsuspense to find authors, readers, books and events related to this genre on Facebook or Twitter.

Using hashtags as a search tool can help you find new content and information beyond those sources you’re already familiar with.

According the site amreading.com, these are ten of the most popular hashtags used by readers.








#BookPhotography (a good choice if you’re on Instagram or Pinterest)



If I were to add my own favorite hashtags to the list, I would include:







I dare you to have a little fun with hashtags. Enter #(Pick a word or phrase) and enter it into the search bar on your favorite social media platform. Did you find something new and interesting? Comment and let me know!


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