Palm Springs


Mood Music - One Writer's Inspiration

Palm Springs is one of my favorite destinations to visit. It has a glamorous past as a resort town for Hollywood celebrities, actors and entertainers in the 1940s and 1950s. While it might not be the glamorous playground to the stars it used to be, there is still nostalgia to be found.

One of the best places to experience the history of Palm Springs is The Casablanca Lounge at Melvyn’s. They feature nightly entertainment with live performances. Knowing I’m hanging out at the same club that hosted the likes of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Rat Pack definitely inspires my creativity. After enjoying a few hours of music and soaking up the ambiance, I’m ready to dive into the next chapter of my current work in progress, Mission: Impossible to Love.


What inspires your creativity? Does music help or hinder your imagination when you’re painting, writing or engaging in some other creative venture?

If you’d like more information about the history of Melvyn’s and the Ingleside Inn, you can read it here.


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