reading journal


How to Create a Reading Journal

“So many books, so little time.”

I’m forever coming across books I’d love to read but I 1) am already in the middle of another book, 2) need to get a copy, 3) want more information, 4) my TBR list is already overflowing, 5) I’m sure there are lots of other reasons.

So how does a reader organize their TBR list and track reading goals? One way is to create a reading journal.

Before getting into the how-to, let’s talk about why you might want to use a reading journal.

  • Track which books you’ve already read
  • List books you want to read
  • Feeling of satisfaction
  • Reference guide for writing reviews and making purchases
  • Easy way to participate in reading challenges

As for the how-to, there are many options and it ultimately comes down to personal choice.

  • Readers who like scrapbooking or journaling might enjoy creating a bullet journal or using a notebook specifically for readers.
  • Creating a digital journal using Word or Excel is another option. This gives you more flexibility in searching and organizing data.
  • Another option is to collect authors’ printable book lists and keep them in a binder.

Click here for more ideas and tips on creating a reading journal.

Be sure to include my books so you don’t miss any!

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