Support indie authors


Nine Ways to Support Indie Authors

Most readers don’t care if a book is traditionally published (i.e. Harlequin, Simon & Schuster) or self-published by an indie author. Many times, you can’t even tell the difference. What some readers don’t know is that being a self-published author means that author does everything – production, distribution, marketing plus writing. It’s a lot of work to bring a book to market, which is why I am so grateful for each and every reader who picks up one of my books.

If you’d like to show your support for self-published authors (including me!), here are nine easy things you can do.

  1. Buy the book.
  2. Review the book.
  3. Request the book from your library.
  4. Tell a friend about the book.
  5. Talk about the book on social media.
  6. Buy the book as a gift for someone else.
  7. Buy your books at local indie-owned bookstores.
  8. Connect with your favorite indie authors online.
  9. Let the author know you enjoy their books.

Thanks so much for everything you do as a reader. You might not know it, but sometimes these acts of kindness are what keep authors writing!

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