Basso profundo. With deep tessitura. ~ Excerpt from 'Mission: Impossible to Forget'

Emily was having the best dream. Nick whispered to her, his musky male scent and warmth enveloping her in a cocoon of safety. She didn’t want this dream to end, but she already knew he would leave her alone and afraid.

“Emily. Wake up, honey.”

She moaned at the sound of his melodic bass voice— the rich and flawless tone resonated in his highly developed chest muscles.


She lingered in the pleasure. “Basso profundo. With deep tessitura.”

“Honey, you’re dreaming about your music. Wake up.”

She reached for him, rubbing her hand along his rough stubble. It felt exactly as she remembered. “This dream feels so real. Kiss me, Nick. I want to feel your lips on mine.”

She felt his soft lips brush across hers. She opened her mouth, wanting to taste him. She’d never forget his tender and demanding kisses. “Please, Nick.”

“Emily, you need to wake up.” He used the rumbly sexy voice she liked.

Why was he insisting she wake when she was happy? She felt a rough hand on her arm. She opened her eyes, trying to orient herself. What tour…What hotel was this? Stella began licking Emily’s face.

“We need to get going.”

What was wrong? Nick’s voice had gone from soft to fortissimo loud.

“Emily, wake up.”

“Nick?” Her dream had conjured the real Nick.

“Yes. It’s Nick.” Now he sounded irritated. What had she done?

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