February is Creative Romance Month

Cupid puts a lot of pressure on relationships. When Valentine’s Day rolls around, men start sweating, worried that their card, flowers, and box of candy will be found lacking. Women, on the other hand, worry that their significant others will 1) forget or 2) make a token gesture with no thought behind it.

There’s an easy way to put the fun back into your love life. Instead of focusing on Valentine’s Day, celebrate Creative Romance Month.

Yes, among the other occasions celebrated in February (National Weatherman’s Day, Toothache Day, Mardi Gras, Canned Food Month) comes a month-long celebration that focuses on finding clever, meaningful ways to make those we love feel special.

Need a few ideas to get started? Here are five creative ways to celebrate romance.

Write a love letter detailing all the things you appreciate about your significant other.

Read romantic passages aloud from your favorite romance novel.

Take the love language quiz together. Learn how to speak your partner’s love language (not yours!) to express your feelings in a way meaningful to them.

Create a special playlist of your songs on Spotify or Pandora. The songs can be funny or sentimental.

Dress up and capture some romantic selfies. Print a few to display in nice frames.

Still need help? This article lists 60 Impressive Ways to be Romantic.



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