jacki delecki


UFO Spotted In Seattle?

Seattle Space Needle UFOPhoto by NothingI5True

Taken earlier this month by redditor NothingI5True, is a picture of the famous Space Needle in Seattle, Washington.

He says he took the photo from his office window just as a heavy fog was rolling through. Another case of right place right time, as the fog makes the top of the space needle look like a UFO! Ten minutes later he said the fog was gone.

The Space Needle is an observation tower and at one time was the tallest structure west of the Mississippi River. The Needle is 605 ft (184 m) high, 138 ft (42 m) wide, and weighs 9,550 tons. It was built for the 1962 World’s Fair.

All That Fire Fighter Training Pays Off!

All that fire fighter training pays off! In my book An Inner Fire, Fire Investigator Ewan Davis has acupuncturist Grayce’s full attention!

With that in mind, I wanted to share these sexy, hot fire fighter pictures with you!  Enjoy!

Funniest Video Contest - Post Your Funniest Animal Video For a Chance To WIN!

In the celebration of my book release Grayce Walters, animal acupuncturist who communicates and heals animals, please post your funniest animal videos!

I will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of my ebook “An Inner Fire” to our favorite video!

Here is one of mine. Who says animals don’t communicate?

Belltown is Where It All Starts...

BelltownBelltown is the where it all starts- dangerous confrontation by international crime on the rain soaked streets of Seattle.

An Inner Fire releases tomorrow: http://www.jackidelecki.com

In Honor of Our Veterans...

Dogs on Deployment president greeted by her 3 dogs after her own deployment!
-Via SeattleDogSpot.com

My next book Women Under Fire is about a Veteran suffering from PTSD who disappears. Grayce Walters with the help from the missing woman’s cat search for the emotionally fragile veteran in the homeless underground of Seattle.

Women Under Fire Second in the Grayce Walters Series will be released Summer of 2014.

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