jacki delecki


New release coming April 7

Available from all online retailers April 7: CODEBREAKERS, The Series (Books 1-3)

Men and women from the class of privilege and rank risk their lives to defend England against the treacherous designs of Napoleon. They confront disaster, scandal, and passion as they pursue their code of honor and love.  


Threatened by French spies, assassins, and calculating suitors, can Lady Henrietta Harcourt trust the infamous rake, Lord Cordelier Rathbourne, with her carefully guarded family secrets?


Lady Gwyneth Beaumont has long awaited the opportunity to show Viscount James Ashworth that she is no longer the impetuous child who dogged his footsteps. Now a much sought-after debutante, she is determined to prove to the hard-headed rake that she is a grown woman and a worthy participant in both the spy game and the game of love.


When Miss Amelia Bonnington unwittingly stumbles upon a smuggling ring in the modiste shop of her good friend, it is up to Lord Derrick Brinsley to save her. Can the disreputable rake and undercover agent prevent the French from stealing the Royal Navy’s deadly weapon and find love with the only woman capable of redeeming him?


Using local settings in my romantic suspense books

I’m currently working on the next book in the Grayce Walters series, MEN UNDER FIRE. Writing contemporary romantic suspense requires just as much research as historical romance suspense, but it’s a different kind of fact-finding. Since my books are set in Seattle, where I happen to live, it’s easy to incorporate my research into other activities.

For example, I volunteer as children’s tour guide and frequently lead groups through Pike Place Market. Because of spacing limitations, many of the marketplace vendors store their inventory in the Sanitary Market food locker. It’s rather dark and foreboding — the perfect backdrop for something sinister or dangerous, don’t you agree?

Sanitary Market Food Locker at Pike Place Market
Sanitary Market Food Locker at Pike Place Market
I’m also developing a female character who is a rocker trying to break into Seattle’s grunge music scene. To get some insight into this character, I interviewed Gretta Harley, a local musician. I believe this authenticity enriches my stories so that when readers step onto the page, they enter a world that is part fiction, part fact, but always entertaining and compelling.

Is there a location in your hometown that would make a good setting for romantic suspense?

Fun facts about St. Patrick's Day

nyc-st-patricks-day-parade_HD__008385_still_624x352Saint Patrick’s Day is one of those holidays where everyone is an honorary Irishman (or Irishwoman). You might be interested to learn a few fun facts about this international celebration and its namesake.

  • Saint Patrick’s color is actually a light blue. The green now associated with the holiday came about after the Irish movement for independence in the late 1800s.
  • Saint Patrick was British, not Irish. He came to Ireland in the year 432 to introduce Christianity. And his birth name was Maewyn Sucatt; he changed it to Patricius after entering the priesthood.
  • The NYC Saint Patrick’s Day parade is one of the world’s largest, with more than 250,000 marchers. No floats or cars are allowed in the parade.
  • The phrase “Erin go Bragh” is a derivative of Irish Éirinn go Brách, which translates to “Ireland Forever.”

Happy St. Paddy’s Day to One and All!


A-Code-of-the-Heart-Jacki-DeleckiStop by one of these blogs and enter the giveaway for a chance to win.

March 16th– Born to Read Books
(Stop 2) Underneath the Covers
March 18th– Buried Under Romance
March 19th– Written Love Review
(Stop 2) Books Like Breathing
(Stop 3) Girl Meets Books

March 20th– What I’m Reading
(Stop 2) Amazing Reading Experiences

Make a date with a whale

whale_mig3Residents of the Pacific Northwest–indeed, everyone who lives on the West Coast of the U.S–have the unique privilege of living along the migration routes of several different species of whales, including orcas, minkes, humpbacks and grays. Sightings occur throughout the year, but March launches prime whale-sighting season.

If you’re planning a visit to Seattle, consider signing up for a whale-watching tour. TV and photos cannot capture the true majesty of these incredible mammals, and there is something awe-inspiring about seeing them in their natural habitat.

The best time to go whale watching depends on what type of whale you hope to see. These recommendations were collected from information provided by Island Adventures Whale Watching.

Orca:  May-September
Minke:  August
Gray:  March-AprilHumpback: October-November

These photos were taken by a friend of mine in Hawaii. Pretty amazing, aren’t they?

PicMonkey Collage

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